Documentation with MkDocs

Documentation is every project bread and butter, without it no project is complete. MkDocs is a fast, simple static site generator. Source files are written in Markdown and configured with a single YAML configuration file in the project root directory.

Install Python


If you haven’t install python yet:

sudo pacman -S python python-pip

python --version
pip --version
pip install --upgrade pip


sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

python3 --version
pip --version
pip install --upgrade pip


You can install either the base package with the default themes bundled with it OR install Material theme instead. I will show you both ways, but in the rest of this article I will be referring to the Material theme.

You can install any theme of your choice.

Method 1

This installation includes two built-in themes mkdocs(based on bootstrap) and readthedocs.

pip install mkdocs

Method 2

This will automatically install all the required packages including mkdocs.

pip install mkdocs-material

Create project

Go to the directory where you want to initiate the project and run the following command.

mkdocs new .

It will create a docs directory and a mkdocs.yaml file.


Open mkdocs.yaml and add material theme.

  name: material

You can start a local server with:

mkdocs serve

Point to localhost:8000 in a browser.



You can create your project pages inside docs directory with md extension.

touch docs/

From, about is the page link.


Sample markdown for

  - Just
  - Me

# Just About Me Only

## Only Me

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sollicitudin bibendum augue tincidunt convallis. Integer ante metus, convallis a viverra ut, convallis placerat ex. Praesent sodales ac mauris at lobortis. Praesent tempor tellus nec efficitur suscipit. Vestibulum dapibus nunc eu placerat vestibulum. Donec nec iaculis dolor. Donec semper enim a massa ullamcorper egestas. Morbi posuere pharetra mi, vel malesuada lectus placerat ac. Integer a eleifend neque, in lobortis urna. Fusce fermentum nibh ante, id lobortis augue elementum placerat. Suspendisse vehicula justo felis, vitae imperdiet felis gravida quis. Proin massa diam, tristique ut laoreet vel, pulvinar id nibh.

Quisque sit amet pretium neque, a varius nunc. Proin porta, eros non ultrices accumsan, nunc ex euismod eros, in varius lectus neque vitae nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus placerat sollicitudin massa, non rutrum odio pulvinar ut. In at finibus sem. Quisque a suscipit tellus. Ut condimentum nulla augue, ac semper urna gravida vitae. Nullam risus mauris, sollicitudin eu imperdiet vel, aliquam sit amet libero. 

## Just Me

Donec sed lectus sed tortor sollicitudin maximus. Mauris lacus diam, ornare faucibus finibus in, aliquet non risus. Quisque sodales eget velit sed tristique. Pellentesque ac dolor lorem. Integer pellentesque sapien leo, viverra pretium metus malesuada a. Nulla eu aliquet nibh, ut auctor erat. Nulla pharetra et orci vel egestas. Mauris a vestibulum dolor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis eget ligula tristique, consequat erat ac, tempor ipsum. Sed sit amet cursus sapien, id pretium felis. In eu lorem tristique, sollicitudin purus nec, iaculis metus.

1. Donec
2. lectus
3. tortor

Quisque sit amet pretium neque, a varius nunc. Proin porta, eros non ultrices accumsan, nunc ex euismod eros, in varius lectus neque vitae nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus placerat sollicitudin massa, non rutrum odio pulvinar ut. In at finibus sem. Quisque a suscipit tellus. Ut condimentum nulla augue, ac semper urna gravida vitae. Nullam risus mauris, sollicitudin eu imperdiet vel, aliquam sit amet libero. 

YAML configuration

Here is the updated yaml with features like back to top, tags, light/dark mode, copyright and social icons. This can be extended with features like GitHub repo, versioning, custom header and footer.

Some of the plugins are sponsor only like adding cookie consent at the bottom of the site.

site_name: My Docs
  name: material
  logo: img/logo.svg
  favicon: img/logo.svg
    - navigation.indexes
    - scheme: default
      primary: teal
      accent: teal
        icon: material/weather-night 
        name: Switch to dark mode.
    - scheme: slate 
      primary: teal
      accent: teal
        icon: material/weather-sunny
        name: Switch to light mode
    - Home:
    - About:
  - tags
  - search
copyright: Copyright © 2016 - 2022 My Docs
    - icon: fontawesome/brands/twitter
    - icon: fontawesome/solid/paper-plane
      link: mailto:[email protected]

If you would like to customize your project with more blocks etc. Check out the customization section.


When you are done with the changes, build the project.

mkdocs build

It will create a site directory inside the project. You can deploy it’s files anywhere you would like.
You can push to GitHub pages or your personal repository or server.

Upgrade MkDocs

If you have installed base package:

pip install --upgrade mkdocs

Upgrade Material theme:

pip install --upgrade mkdocs-material