Tag ubuntu


Install Zammad with Elasticsearch on Ubuntu 24.04

Zammad is an open-source help desk platform that makes managing customer support easy. It brings together emails, chats, and social media in one place, helping teams respond quickly and stay organized. You can customize it, track tickets, and automate tasks…


Fine-Tune PHP-FPM and Apache for Optimal Performance

If you have a high-spec server for a web app, but the server isn't optimized to handle large traffic, you may experience timeouts when loading the app. This issue is often due to the web server not being properly configured for heavy traffic. In this article, we will explore how to fine-tune PHP-FPM and Apache for optimal performance.

Install Nextcloud 29 (Hub 8) on Ubuntu 24.04

Nextcloud 29 (Hub 8) has been released, and Ubuntu 24.04 LTS as well. This presents an intriguing combination. Most cloud providers already have the Ubuntu 24.04 image available on their portals for initializing a server. In this article, we will explore how to install Nextcloud 29 (Hub 8) on a newly created Ubuntu 24.04 LTS server.

How to Install the Latest DDclient

You will mostly find that the latest version is not available in the repositories. For example, when I was setting up my new Orange Pi with Ubuntu 22.04, the repository only had version 3.9.x available. While this version may be fine for some users, for unknown reasons, it was not updating Cloudflare entries for me. Then I decided to install the latest DDclient and see if that fixed the issue for me, and it actually did. So, let me show you how to install the latest DDclient.

Rebuild OS image on NVME drive on Orange Pi 3B

If you have used cloud providers, you may know that they provide an option to rebuild the server OS if you have messed up things or are just testing things. This capability can also be applied to your local setup. In the previous article, I wrote about how to boot from NVME on Orange Pi 3B. Here, I am going to show you how to rebuild the OS image on the NVME drive on your Orange Pi 3B and start fresh.