Should I upgrade to Nextcloud 25?

Nextcloud 25 was released couple of weeks ago and is available for download. Some users maybe able to see the upgrade option in the settings too. So the question you may have in your mind is, should I upgrade to Nextcloud 25 now?

Before we go into the details of yes or no, let’s see what this new release offer.

What’s new in Nextcloud 25?

Nextcloud 25 is a major release towards a new UI look. It looks fresh and nice.

Courtesy: Nextcloud blog

There is a new Photos app introduced with new tiles view and built-in editor.

Courtesy: Nextcloud blog

Talk app also got improvements like message expiration, granular chat permissions etc.

If you are using Mail app, you will like this update. It is bumped to version 2.0 with UI improvements.

The Contacts app introduces an organizational chart view feature.

There are a lot more to read and digest, be sure to check the blog post.

Upgrade or not

If you go to Settings -> Overview, you can check that either you have the option to upgrade available or not. In my case it is available on stable channel.


I have few apps that are not yet compatible, so I will wait for a few more days. You may encounter the same depends on the apps you installed.

If you are on production system, I would advise to not upgrade right now and wait til 25.0.1 comes out with fixes.

If you installing fresh, go ahead and install it. You can get quick help from Nextcloud 24 installation article.