M M Arif

M M Arif


How to revert a git commit

As a developer you may have used or using Git for code management. Git is a powerful tool and can do a lot of operations based on the requirements. Here in this article I show you how to revert a git commit either HEAD or in the middle.

Install and use PostgreSQL in Arch or Manjaro with PHP

I would not go into details of what is PostgreSQL as I am pretty sure you already know about it. But in this guide, we will install and use PostgreSQL in Arch or Manjaro operating system with PHP including how to manage the databases.

Monthly Roundup #1 – Aug 2022

I am going to start a monthly roundup series which will be published end of each month. It will be mostly about news around the tech world and some interesting things along the way to share if available.

How to secure WordPress and server

When you are hosting an application on your own, you will have to go through a series of steps to secure and manage the server properly. Here in this article I am going to guide you step by step on how to secure your WordPress setup and the server from the get go.

Install Shopware on Ubuntu 22.04 – step by step guide

Shopware is an API-first and headless core open commerce platform. If you have used or worked on e-commerce platforms like Magento OR WooCommerce, you will find Shopware similar to them with some extra features and clean UI. We are going to install Shopware on Ubuntu 22.04 (step by step guide) in this article.