Category Manjaro


Fix OBS crash on NVIDIA drivers on Manjaro

I use OBS to record an Android emulator screen for the app I build. Since two months, after updating my Manjaro system including NVIDIA drivers, things went broke. So let's see how we can easily fix OBS crash on NVIDIA drivers on your Manjaro system.


Fix ENOSPC System limit for number of file watchers reached

This error may be new or familiar to you when working with VS Code or Node.js application. This is because the default number of file watchers is small on most Linux distributions if not all. I am using Manjaro, so I will show you how to fix the Error ENOSPC System limit for number of file watchers reached.


How to fix error: failed to synchronize all databases on Manjaro

Normally I update my system when there is a notification about updates. But for some time I did not get any notification. Firefox was stuck at 105 version and so was KDE plasma at 5.25.x. I was curious and ran sudo pacman -Syu and got an error, error: failed to synchronize all databases.


Install PipeWire and enable noise canceling in Manjaro KDE

PipeWire is an alternative to PulseAudio on Linux for audio and video handling. There was a time when the only option for users was PulseAudio but now they can install and use PipeWire. In this article I am going to show you how to install PipeWire and enable noise canceling in your Manjaro KDE system.


Fix broken grub in Manjaro

So I broke my grub the other day while doing some hardware upgrades. I will guide you how to fix broken grub if you are on Manjaro or Arch.


Install Firefox developer in Manjaro

This article will explain how to install Firefox developer edition in Manjaro OS beside the stable Firefox version which you may have already installed.