Category Nextcloud


Nextcloud 23 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS comes with PHP 8.1 and Nextcloud 23 does not support it yet. So let's install Nextcloud 23 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server the easy way.

Fix Nextcloud column size too large

Recently I upgraded my Nextcloud instance and after upgrading I got some missing indexes to fix. That's normal with Nextcloud, you will get things from time to time to update. Here we will fix an error 'column size too large' when you run the occ command on the server.

Manually upgrade Nextcloud

You can automatically upgrade your Nextcloud instance from Admin settings. But for whatever reason you are not able to automatically upgrade, you can still manually upgrade Nextcloud.

Setup Elasticsearch 7 for Nextcloud

Nextcloud default search is very basic but it gets the job done. To enhance the search we will setup Elasticsearch 7 for Nextcloud in this article.

Productivity apps for Nextcloud

Nextcloud is a free self hosted solution for file hosting and sharing. The base installation provides you access to contacts, calendar, chat etc.

Install Nextcloud 23 on Ubuntu 20.04

In this article, we will install Nextcloud 23 on Ubuntu 20.04 with PHP 8. Nextcloud 23 does not recommend to use PHP 7.3 anymore, so it's time to just install PHP 8.