Tag arch


Copy file content to clipboard in terminal

If you are working in terminal/console most of your time, you may already know how to copy a file content to clipboard. But if not, here today we will explore how can we copy a file content to clipboard in terminal.


Switch PHP versions in Arch and Manjaro

As a developer you may sometime need to test an app on different PHP version. Today I am going to show you how to switch PHP versions in Arch and Manjaro OS.


Protect WordPress login from brute force

Having WordPress site means some sleepless nights. But no worries, we will add a HTTP based authentication to protect WordPress login from brute force attacks.


Run macOS in Virtualbox on Linux OS

I am on Manjaro OS, but it should not matter what OS you are on. The end result of this article is to run macOS in Virtualbox on any Linux OS.


Browsers for your Linux distribution

When it comes to browsers in Linux, the popular choice is Firefox. Beside Firefox we will explore other browsers for your Linux distribution in this article.


Office suites for Linux

Gone are the days when Linux users had limited office apps to select and use. There are many options now including online ones to choose for the daily tasks.