Tag mariadb


Set Up Nextcloud 31 (Hub 10) on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Nextcloud 31, tagged as Hub 10, was released last month with many features, UI enhancements, and bug fixes. To me, this is one of the releases that heavily focuses on UI refinements. In this article, we discuss and walk through how to set up Nextcloud 31 (Hub 10) on an Ubuntu 24.04 LTS server with the Apache web server, PHP 8.3, and the MariaDB database.


How to install PrestaShop on Ubuntu 24.04

PrestaShop is a popular open-source e-commerce platform. Anyone can download the source code and set it up as their online store for selling products. In this article, I will show you how to install the latest stable version of PrestaShop on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS with Apache and PHP 8.1.


Install Nextcloud 30 Hub 9 on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Nextcloud 30 Hub 9 was released yesterday, and this time the changes are significant in terms of features, apps, improvements, and the UI. There's a fresh UI update, which I personally like. It’s more compact, and the round shapes are gone for good. Almost every core app has received a redesign. The Talk UI has also been revamped and looks fantastic. You can read more about the changes and features below. If you want to try it out, follow this guide to install Nextcloud 30 Hub 9 on an Ubuntu 24.04 LTS server with Apache and MariaDB.


Install Nextcloud 29 (Hub 8) on Ubuntu 24.04

Nextcloud 29 (Hub 8) has been released, and Ubuntu 24.04 LTS as well. This presents an intriguing combination. Most cloud providers already have the Ubuntu 24.04 image available on their portals for initializing a server. In this article, we will explore how to install Nextcloud 29 (Hub 8) on a newly created Ubuntu 24.04 LTS server.

Host-multiple-apps-on-your- Raspberry-Pi

Host multiple apps on your Raspberry Pi

I understand that the Raspberry Pi may not be powerful enough for database-related transactions, but you can still host simple and lightweight apps on it to enhance your productivity. In this article, I will show you how to host multiple web apps on your Raspberry Pi machine using Apache as a web server.