Tag nextcloud


Install Nextcloud AIO on Ubuntu

A year or so ago Nextcloud team introduced AIO (All In One), which simplifies the installation with containers. In this article I will guide you how to install Nextcloud AIO on Ubuntu with Apache reverse proxy, and SSL from Let's encrypt.

Upgrade to Nextcloud 26 (Hub 4) via Gui

If you are on Nextcloud 25 and want to upgrade to the latest stable release tagged as Hub 4 and Nextcloud 26. Read on how to upgrade to Nextcloud 26 or Hub 4 via Gui (web UI) the easy way.

How to upgrade OnlyOffice document server

Few months back I wrote an article on how to install OnlyOffice document server on Ubuntu 22.04 server and connect it to your Nextcloud instance. But what if you want to upgrade the document server at some stage? So here today I am going to guide you step by step how to upgrade OnlyOffice document server.

How to install Nextcloud 25 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Nextcloud 25 or Nextcloud Hub 3 features a complete new revamped UI, it looks clean and modern. If you want to install fresh, then read on how to install Nextcloud 25 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

Should I upgrade to Nextcloud 25?

Nextcloud 25 was released couple of weeks ago and is available for download. Some users maybe able to see the upgrade option in the settings too. So the question you may have in your mind is, should I upgrade to Nextcloud 25 now?

Install OnlyOffice on Ubuntu 22.04 and connect to Nextcloud

Nextcloud 24 and above comes with a default Office suite now which is based on Collabora CODE version and it works pretty well. But if you want to install OnlyOffice on a separate Ubuntu 22.04 server and then connect it to Nextcloud instead, read on how to do that.