Tag snap


How to Update Rocket Chat Installed via Snap

To keep your Rocket Chat installation running smoothly and secure, it's crucial to stay up to date with the latest software updates. In this guide, I'll walk you through the process of how to update Rocket Chat when it's installed via Snap, making sure you can take advantage of the newest features and security enhancements without a hitch.

How to Disable Email 2FA in Rocket Chat

This may seem weird, but interestingly, if you have set up Rocket Chat for the first time and haven't added Email SMTP settings yet, you may encounter this issue: when you log out, Rocket Chat will prompt you to enter a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) code sent to your email. This should not happen initially because Rocket Chat should check whether SMTP is set up or not. However, there is a solution to this problem. Read on to learn how to disable email 2FA in Rocket Chat.

Install Rocket Chat with Apache proxy and SSL

Installing Rocket Chat on your own server gives you full control over your data. In this article, I will guide you through the process of installing Rocket Chat with Apache proxy and SSL from Let's encrypt for added security.