Tag terminal


Create Windows Bootable USB on Linux

If you are a Linux user, there could be times you want to use Windows. You can either simply install it in a virtual machine or just dual boot it with a Linux distribution. To dual boot, you will need a bootable USB of Windows (easy this way than creating DVD etc). In this article I am going to guide you how to quickly create a Windows bootable USB on Linux with UEFI and legacy boot support.

Install and configure Powerlevel10k Zsh theme

In this article, I will guide you through the process of installing and configuring the Powerlevel10k Zsh theme. This theme is highly popular and loved by many for its customizable features.

Convert PNG images to WebP format with Imagemagick

Modern web is more about compression and one of it are images. There are many things which can be minified and compressed like CSS, JS, server side compression and even HTML of the page. Here I am going to show you how to convert PNG images to WebP format with Imagemagick while maintaining the same quality but reduced size.

Resource monitoring terminal tools in Linux

Monitoring your system resources is quite common in tech world. But if you are a Linux or terminal person, then you know there is nothing stopping you from having tools at your disposal. I am going to show you a few of resource monitoring terminal tools in Linux today.