Category Raspberry-Pi

Host-multiple-apps-on-your- Raspberry-Pi

Host multiple apps on your Raspberry Pi

I understand that the Raspberry Pi may not be powerful enough for database-related transactions, but you can still host simple and lightweight apps on it to enhance your productivity. In this article, I will show you how to host multiple web apps on your Raspberry Pi machine using Apache as a web server.


Dynamic DNS on Raspberry Pi with Cloudflare

If you have set up Nextcloud on your Raspberry Pi following this guide and would like to access it outside your home or local network, the easiest way is to use DDNS (Dynamic DNS) with Cloudflare. You can use any other provider supported by DDclient, but we will use Cloudflare in this article. So read on how to set up Dynamic DNS on Raspberry Pi with Cloudflare.


How to install Nextcloud on Raspberry Pi

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B lying around, and I thought, why not take it for a spin and make use of it? I installed Raspberry OS (Debian 12 - Bookworm) on it via the Raspberry Pi Imager on an SSD drive, booted it, and now it's time to make it functional as a working cloud storage. Read on to learn how to install Nextcloud on your Raspberry Pi 3/4/5.


How to Boot a Raspberry Pi From SSD

You can easily boot the Raspberry Pi from a memory card, but what if you want to boot from an SSD? Read on to learn how to boot a Raspberry Pi from an SSD drive.