Tag how-to


Setup OpenProject on Ubuntu 20.04

OpenProject is another web based project management tool written in Ruby and Angular available under GPLv3 license. If you want to give it a try and know what it offer, follow this article to setup OpenProject on Ubuntu 20.04.

Install Leantime on Ubuntu 20.04

Leantime is a free and open source project management tool. If you have a pool of users and team(s), Leantime is a great way to start managing the resources efficiently.

Copy file content to clipboard in terminal

If you are working in terminal/console most of your time, you may already know how to copy a file content to clipboard. But if not, here today we will explore how can we copy a file content to clipboard in terminal.

Manually upgrade Nextcloud

You can automatically upgrade your Nextcloud instance from Admin settings. But for whatever reason you are not able to automatically upgrade, you can still manually upgrade Nextcloud.

Switch PHP versions in Arch and Manjaro

As a developer you may sometime need to test an app on different PHP version. Today I am going to show you how to switch PHP versions in Arch and Manjaro OS.

Setup Elasticsearch 7 for Nextcloud

Nextcloud default search is very basic but it gets the job done. To enhance the search we will setup Elasticsearch 7 for Nextcloud in this article.