M M Arif

M M Arif


Create Windows Bootable USB on Linux

If you are a Linux user, there could be times you want to use Windows. You can either simply install it in a virtual machine or just dual boot it with a Linux distribution. To dual boot, you will need a bootable USB of Windows (easy this way than creating DVD etc). In this article I am going to guide you how to quickly create a Windows bootable USB on Linux with UEFI and legacy boot support.

Install Mattermost on Ubuntu 22.04 server

Mattermost is a collaboration tool designed for teams to communicate efficiently. It have mobiles apps and they are open source which could be white labelled if needed. In this article let me guide you how to install and setup Mattermost on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server.

How to install Webmail Lite for your IMAP server

Email desktop clients are common to use, but there are also web apps which most users use on daily basis. Almost all email providers provide web app to access their services. But in case you have your own mail server, you can also host a web app client act as webmail either on a server or local PC. In this article I am going to guide you how to install Webmail Lite on your server or PC to access your IMAP server.

How to create anchor links in WordPress posts and pages

Page jumps or html anchor links are links which when you click on it, will bring you to another part of the page. It's a handy way of pointing links to a specific header or paragraph in a page. With the new WordPress Gutenberg plugin, it is under Advanced tab. Read on how to create anchor links in your WordPress posts or pages.

How to upgrade OnlyOffice document server

Few months back I wrote an article on how to install OnlyOffice document server on Ubuntu 22.04 server and connect it to your Nextcloud instance. But what if you want to upgrade the document server at some stage? So here today I am going to guide you step by step how to upgrade OnlyOffice document server.

Setup Plausible on Ubuntu 22.04 with Apache proxy

Plausible is an alternative to Google Analytics and Matomo. It is a web based analytics software which you can self-host too on your own server. They also provide cloud accounts to host your data on their servers like Google Analytics. Here I will guide you how to setup Plausible on Ubuntu 22.04 with Apache as proxy and SSL certificate from Let's encrypt on your own server.