M M Arif

M M Arif


How to use Cloudflare as CDN for your website

Cloudflare is a content delivery network which is easy to use with any website. If you are running a WordPress site, it will help distribute your site contents using Geolocation feature. In this article I am going to show you how to use Cloudflare as CDN for your website.

How to install Nextcloud on TrueNAS CORE

While the plugin version is easy to setup, it is also the most easy one to break with updates. In this article I am going to show how to create a pool/jail and install Nextcloud on TrueNAS CORE from ground up.

How to upgrade to Nextcloud 24 via web UI

Nextcloud 24 is out and available for download. For some it will be available to upgrade and some have to wait a little. Here I am going to show you how to upgrade to Nextcloud 24 via web UI with screenshots.

Enable guest additions in VirtualBox

To be able to access a shared folder or copy paste in the guest OS in VirtualBox, one need to install and enable guest additions in VirtualBox guest OS first.