Tag php


How to install Nextcloud on Raspberry Pi

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B lying around, and I thought, why not take it for a spin and make use of it? I installed Raspberry OS (Debian 12 - Bookworm) on it via the Raspberry Pi Imager on an SSD drive, booted it, and now it's time to make it functional as a working cloud storage. Read on to learn how to install Nextcloud on your Raspberry Pi 3/4/5.


How to Disable or Enable PHP FPM

PHP-FPM (PHP FastCGI Process Manager) is a key element in web server performance optimization. This guide will show you how to effortlessly disable or enable PHP-FPM as needed, giving you control over your server's PHP processing.


How to install Webmail Lite for your IMAP server

Email desktop clients are common to use, but there are also web apps which most users use on daily basis. Almost all email providers provide web app to access their services. But in case you have your own mail server, you can also host a web app client act as webmail either on a server or local PC. In this article I am going to guide you how to install Webmail Lite on your server or PC to access your IMAP server.


Install MediaWiki on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

MediaWiki is a free and open source software. I will show you how to install MediaWiki on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with free SSL [step by step guide].


How to get Authorization header in PHP

In order to construct a secure resource that can be accessed through an API, we must utilize an authorization header with a token or bearer. In this article, I will guide you how to obtain the authorization header, extract the token or bearer. Then authenticate it against a database table and return a JSON output in PHP.


Install Nextcloud with PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 22.04

Most of the default installations of Nextcloud goes with MySQL/MariaDB, but Nextcloud support other databases too like PostgreSQL and SQLite. I will show you how to install Nextcloud with PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 22.04 in this article with Apache and PHP.