Tag web-app


Free online photo editors

When it comes to designing, most of us know about a thing or two about Photoshop or GIMP in some cases. GIMP is an open source and free tool available for all platforms. But here today we are going to explore two free online photo editors which may work for most of your use case.

Install Shopware on Ubuntu 22.04 – step by step guide

Shopware is an API-first and headless core open commerce platform. If you have used or worked on e-commerce platforms like Magento OR WooCommerce, you will find Shopware similar to them with some extra features and clean UI. We are going to install Shopware on Ubuntu 22.04 (step by step guide) in this article.

Free and open source SVG icons for your project

Are you working on a project which needs SVG icons? I know there are hundreds of websites offer icons but are they free and open source? Can you use it without a limitation? If the answer is no, then read on to know about free and open source SVG or PNG icons for your current/next project.

How to upgrade to Nextcloud 24 via web UI

Nextcloud 24 is out and available for download. For some it will be available to upgrade and some have to wait a little. Here I am going to show you how to upgrade to Nextcloud 24 via web UI with screenshots.

Setup OpenProject on Ubuntu 20.04

OpenProject is another web based project management tool written in Ruby and Angular available under GPLv3 license. If you want to give it a try and know what it offer, follow this article to setup OpenProject on Ubuntu 20.04.